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Use of a P3 Brake Controller on 2005 Ford F-350 Instead of Factory Controller  


Question: I have a 2005 ford f350 when I replace the factory brake control with the p3 control you say there will be a fault code on my dash panel what if I dont go to ford and reprogram my computer. will there be any problems.? also if I do have my computer reprogramed and decide to go back to the original brake control will I need to go back to ford again for another program?


Expert Reply:

I can help you understand the compatibility of the P3 and your 2005 Ford.

Because your Ford already has a factory installed brake controller, the truck's computer has been set to identify that brake controller only. When you remove the plug from that controller and plug it into the P3 # 90195 there will be an error code because the Ford's computer does not recognize this as being the OEM controller.

When you take it to the dealer they are essentially deactivating factory brake controller to allow the computer to recognize the after market one instead. This will be the same in the reverse, if you end up getting a new truck and want to take your P3 with you, to have the original OEM brake controller to function again it must be taken to a dealer and have the trucks computer reset or else it will not function properly.

If you do not go to the dealer there will be problems. The system may not relay the proper function at the right time or at all, which is kind of a big issue especially if the brakes don't get applied.

I've linked a Brake Controller Help Article on the 2005-2007 Ford Super Duty Truck for your convenience.

expert reply by:
Jackie C

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