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Why Would a Trailer Tire Fail  


Hi, Im looking to see if you can offer me a tire more reliable than the Carlisle 225/75-15s Ive been using on my 15x5 rims Carlisle says this is the max size tire I can use on this rim. Last year I went the entire year without a blowout of my religiously inflated tires, but this year is back to normal with ha blowout already. I need something better. I would consider 16inch rims and new fenders if it would help, but cant find any that fit my 5-lug hubs. Ready to buy a solution if you have one. Thanks


Helpful Expert Reply:

Tire failure is usually caused by a few things. It can be from overloading the trailer, improper tire inflation, and/or exceeding the speed rating for the tire.

You should verify that the tire capacity you have for you trailer is adequate for how much your trailer weighs.

The pressure ran in the tires makes a big difference in longevity too. ST tires should be ran with the full pressure rating stated on the side of the tire, for full load capacity and longevity of the tire. If lower pressures are ran the tire will heat faster and hotter and fail prematurely.

Special trailer tires are usually rated to operate at a maximum speed of 65 mph. If you exceed 65 mph, heat could build up in the tire and cause it to break down and fail. If a tire is rated to run at a higher speed, this information should be listed on the trailer's sidewall. Since it sounds like you are properly inflating your tire and are most likely under the capacity of the tire the issue is probably related to the speed you are traveling.

We don't have larger wheels with 5 lug rims so your best option would be to stick with a 225/75-15 and go with the highest Load Range we offer like the part # AM10303.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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