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Electric Trailer Brakes More Aggressive After Changing Vehicles and Repacking Bearings  


I just repacked the bearings by hand and looked at the brakes and the shoes had plenty of pad left. However, on my first trip after repacking the bearings, the brakes now feel more aggressive than it did before. It is quicker stopping and feels almost grabby. I also changed tow vehicles from 2014 model Ford Expedition to a 2015 Ford Expedition. I wipe off the grease as best as I can with a paper towel if I get some on the drum when repacking the bearings. Could the more aggressive brakes be caused by tiny bit of grease on the brake lining? If so, do I need to replace the brake shoes or will the work normally after awhile? Both the Expeditions have integrated brake controllers. I used to have the gain on 7.5 on the old Expedition and on the new one Ive set it at 4.0 and the brakes still seem aggressive. The trailer is a Jayco 2013 Eagle 304 BHS and the brakes are Dexter Never Adjust 12X2 K23-459 and 458. Thanks in advance for your answer.


Expert Reply:

If you were to get bearing grease on the brake pads then they are pretty much done and would have to be replaced because you will never be able to get all of the grease off of them.

It doesn't sound like grease is the problem though because the grease would make the brakes not work as well, not make them more grabby. I think the issue might actually not be an issue at all. I think the newer vehicle and brake controller are working a little better than the old one. It also might take a little time for the brakes to adjust after having the drums off.

I would just adjust the brake controller until you get the trailer brakes where you want them and let the self adjusting feature work its magic.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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