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Comparing Regular, Fused, and Circuit Breaker Junction Boxes for Trailer Wiring  


PK52248 I have seen fused junction box. The application is for the 7 pin connector. The box is tight but best to have the fuses in case of a short? Thus then knowing where the short is? Thank you.


Expert Reply:

Given that trailer wiring only consists of basic light functions, 12 volt power, and brake output a system of fuses is not necessary because it is easy to determine if something is not working. If there was a short, the way you would know with or without a fuse junction box is going to be the same either way. You still have to fix the short and in the case of a fused junction box replace the fuse.

A fused junction box would prevent a short from going any further than the junction box. But tow package wiring on vehicles, be it factory or aftermarket, is, for the most part, circuit protected already.

If you are going for as much circuit protection as you can get then a fused junction box would certainly be fine. Otherwise a regular junction box like # PK52248 is going to be simpler.

What would be even better is a circuit breaker junction box such as # PK52249. Fuses blow and have to be replaced but circuit breakers can reset themselves eliminating the need to replace fuses. I have included links to video reviews of both junction boxes for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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