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Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer Height When Stored Vertically  


Couple questions....when the tongue is slid back into the trailer, how tall is the trailer if it is on end with the wheels in place? How tall if the tongue is completely removed? Gotta make sure it will fit in the space I have available for storage. Also, I have a Hobie Pro Angler 14 and a Hobie Outback 12. What mounts could I consider to uses on the rack and roll? THANKS


Expert Reply:

I spoke to my contact at Yakima and he informed me that when the tongue of the Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer # Y08107 is collapsed and store in the upright position it would be 74-1/2 inches tall.

Removing the coupler would not be an ideal solution for storing the trailer as it would also require removing the wiring for the trailer.

For kayak carriers I would recommend going with the Thule DockGrip part # TH895. This will store the kayaks facing up and would work well with your Hobie kayaks. I attached a review video for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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