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2005 GMC Yukon Sags When Towing, Even When Using Weight Distribution  


I have a 2005 Yukon and have installed a weight distributing hitch Pro Series 10000 lb That I bought through this site. I have also converted my shocks to standard shocks and springs from the non working air shocks. My camper is about 6500 lbs and still makes my Yukon sag significantly. Would you suggest the air lift coil spring s or sumo s? I need just a little more support in the back.


Expert Reply:

Let's begin with the basics. In order for a weight distribution system to work correctly, the existing vehicle suspension needs to be in good condition. Then, you'll need to ensure you have the correct system for the tongue weight of your trailer. To choose a weight distribution system, you'll need to first determine the fully loaded and ready to tow tongue weight of your trailer. To that figure, add the weight of any gear stowed in the cargo area of the SUV or truck bed behind the rear axle. I've linked to an FAQ article that explains how to do this. These combined figures comprise the Total Tongue Weight (TTW) of your set-up. The TTW of your trailer should fall as close as possible to the middle of the effective range of the weight distribution system you choose.

Given the 6500 lb trailer weight, it's fairly unlikely you've overloaded the system, but I'd still highly recommend exactly determining your tongue weight.

If the vehicle suspension is in okay working order, and you're using the properly rated system, the only remaining alternative is that the system is set up incorrectly. I'd recommend referring to the instructions and setting the system up again from scratch to make sure everything's been correctly set up.

An air helper spring or a passive spring like the Sumo Springs are more meant to suspend weight carried in the cargo area of the vehicle, not the tongue weight of a trailer. Plus, they can actually work against a weight distribution system.

I've linked you to an FAQ article about Weight Distribution. Please check the items I mentioned above, and get back with me and let me know what you found.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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