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Recommended Ground Clearance For B&W Tow And Stow Ball Mounts  


I noticed you recommend a minimum clearance distance from ground to the lowest point of the hitch of 11. Does that take into account the ball not being used in a dual or tri-ball combination mount? I have a 2021 F-350SD with a factory Class-V receiver hitch, and the distance from level ground to the bottom of the 2.5inch square hole for the drawbar is exactly 19.5. I have an ATV trailer I used to haul with my older F150 which used a 2inch receiver, a straight drawbar with an 8inch and a 2inch ball to tow level. I am looking at getting a BandW Stow and Go model BWTS20049B for this new truck, but upon checking measurements I believe I will need to set the ball assembly to the lowest possible adjustment to tow level once again. The 7.5inch maximum distance on that model is really the only one that would fit the bill for my specific truck and trailer combination. As the distance on the drawbar itself is already over 8inch from the bottom of the drawbar to the bottom on the vertical adjustment channel, wont that mean that the 2and5/16inch ball Ill not be using will extend far past the 11inch minimum clearance recommended here on your website? Does BandW make a dual-ball attachment for this assembly where the balls are designed at a 90 degree right angle to themselves, rather than a 180 degree opposing orientation?


Expert Reply:

You are right that the minimum recommended ground clearance is 11". Using the # BWTS20049B in its lowest position would leave one of the trailer balls lower than the vertical portion of the ball mount. There really is no work around in this case. B&W does not make a separate attachment with the balls at 90 degrees like you described. Maybe they should start making one though, this is not the first time this has come up. In some cases folks can get away with less that 11" clearance, but you would have to be very careful on steep inclines.

expert reply by:
Jesse M

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