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Bike Rack Recommendations for 2 Hitch Receiver and 72 lb Step-Thru E-Bikes  


I have two step through design ebikes, each weighing 72 lbs totalling 142 lbs. I want to buy a 2” hitch mount bike rack that has a 140 lb + weight capacity. I prefer the style that has a ramp of some sort to assist re loading the bikes. Your recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you


Expert Reply:

Thank you for the details!

For your application I recommend checking out the Kuat Piston Pro X # KU98VR which can carry up to 67 lb bikes with a 5" wide tire and you can add a ramp with the part # KU63VR. This will work if you're able to remove the battery from your e-bikes (which will reduce the weight of your bikes) and they don't have front and rear fenders.

If your e-bikes have fenders then you'll need the Yakima OnRamp # Y36FR and an Adapter Bar # HRBA-PRO instead. This rack can handle 66 lb bikes and comes with a ramp but it's a bit more basic than the Piston Pro X. For example, the OnRamp comes with a cable lock for the bikes but you'll need to get the HitchLock # Y07235 to lock the rack to your hitch receiver.

If the application is for the back of a trailer then neither of the racks mentioned above will work and you'll need to use the Swagman E-Spec # S94FR with the Adapter Bar # HRBA-PRO. This is quite a bit more basic and it doesn't come with a ramp but it has adequate weight capacity and is rated for the extra movement you find at the back of a trailer.

Attached are review videos of each bike rack for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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