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Kayak Load Assist Options for Malone SeaWing Kayak Carrier  


Hi, can I buy one seawing with stingray combo and one seawing only and use the stingray on both seawings?


Expert Reply:

The Stinger Load Assist # MPG350 actually uses the mounting hardware from the Malone SeaWing Kayak Carrier # MPG107MD to secure to the crossbars so you would have to remove the Stinger with the kayak loaded which isn't something I recommend using.

If you want the Stinger for both sets of the SeaWing then you'll need 2 sets of the Malone SeaWing Kayak Carrier and Load Assist w/ Tie-Downs # MPG113MD.

We do have some alternative options so that you're only using 2 sets of the SeaWing without the Stinger. This includes the Yakima ShowBoat 66 # Y04068 which gives you a 44-1/4" roller to assist with loading your kayaks, or the Malone Channel Loader # MAL48FR which can be removed and relocated for loading each kayak.

Attached are review videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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