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Brake Controller that Beats the Prodigy P2/P3 and is More Hidden  


Two questions: 1 What makes the P2 and P3 models worth three times the price? The descriptions are almost identical. 2 Can the Primus be mountedinch by putting it in an existing tray in the vehicle as long as it it not allowed to move i.e., held securely in in place? Theres a picture of a controller in a Subaru Ascent sitting in the little tray to the left of the steering wheel see attached photo. Not clear from the photo if its secured, but Id have to assume so. Thanks!


Helpful Expert Reply:

The P2 part # 90885 and P3 part # 90195 have long been considered to be the best brake controller you can get due to the advanced inertia sensor and the overall reliability and ease of use. That said there are other brake controllers I would recommend over them now that rival in quality and function but have other benefits while costing currently less like the Tow Pro Liberty # RED24FR which has the added benefit of installing with only a knob that mounts on the dash instead of a bulky box and only requires the part # 3062-P for your 2019 Subaru Ascent. For the best overall and also the best price you can't beat the Liberty.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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