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Recommended Bike Rack for Rear of Tear Camper  


Will this rack work on 27.5 plus size mountain bike tires.. My 2nd question is why wont this work on a RV or travel trailer. I have a small offroad tear with 2 inch receiver on the back.. Why does it say not for campers rvs??


Helpful Expert Reply:

The # KU74FR Kuat Transfer will work very well with bikes with wheel diameters from 18-29 inches, so it'll work well with your bike, but as you mentioned it isn't recommended for use on the rear of a motorhome or a towed trailer or camper.

Motorhomes and campers will have a longer rear overhang versus what would be found on a regular passenger vehicle, which would mean that anything installed in the hitch would be subjected to a great deal of bouncing and jarring. The mechanism on the bike rack which allows it to tilt rearward or fold up isn't designed to withstand these bouncing forces and would result in the rack failing and the loss of the bikes, which would not be good.

The Yakima LongHaul, part # Y02476 is specifically designed for use on the rear of a trailer or RV. The rack doesn't feature a tilting mechanism, so there's no weak point. The rack can accommodate 4 bikes in total and features anti-sway cradles that will prevent the bikes from swinging back and forth during transport. The rack is compatible with 2-inch receiver hitches.

I've linked to a product demonstration video that shows the Thule Range in action.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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