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Yakima Rack and Roll Tongue Extension Kit 8008109  


The sleeve that slides inside the stock tongue to connect the extension to the stock tongue is held to the tongue extension by two machine screws about 3/16inch or less in diameter. I believe entire load is only being held by these two small machine screws? Wouldnt it be wise to drill out these undersized screws and replace with larger bolts? The other bolts through the tongue are 1/2inch or so in diameter. I have attached a photo showing the machine screws holding the internal sleeve to the tongue extension and the large bolts that attach the sleeve to the stock tongue. Im really happy with my Rack and Roll but I am nervous about the tiny screws shearing off, which would result in the loss of the trailer and load and perhaps causing injury or worse. Thank you for your comments.


Expert Reply:

The Tongue Extension Kit for Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer # Y08109 adds 3 feet of overall length to your Rack and Roll Trailer like # Y08107. I reached out to my contact at Yakima and they said they acquired the trailer in 2009 and it was being made back in 2006 and they have had no problems with the screws you mentioned having any issues whatsoever. He said they haven't considered changing it because they have not experienced any issues.

If you were to alter it by drilling and putting bolts, you may improve your peace of mind, but you also would unfortunately void the manufacturer's warranty.

expert reply by:
Jason S
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