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Wind Noise Generated by Roof and Ladder Racks Mounted on Vehicles  


Does this ladder rack make wind noise when driving? Like whistling?


Expert Reply:

Any exterior vehicle feature, whether a roof rack or ladder rack or bike or cargo carrier that can catch wind has the potential to also generate noise. This noise is commonly a whistling-type sound as you noted.

Often the objects that are mounted to the roof rack or ladder rack, say two roof-mount bike carriers and bikes on a roof rack or a ladder and some lumber on a pickup truck ladder rack, can actually make more noise than the rack itself. There are many variables in play when it comes to how much noise a rack will make. Some can remain fairly quiet up to a specific speed and with a particular cargo.

Racks that use elliptical or aerodynamic-shaped load bars, bars that sort of resemble the shape of an airplane wing, such as the Rola Haul-Your-Might T3 Truck Bed Ladder Rack # 59799 tend to be quieter than other types but they will still make some noise.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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