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Parts Needed to Convert 4-Pole Harness to 7-Way on 2012 Ford Escape  


I have a 2012 Ford Escape v6 with factory installed tow package. It currently has a 4-pole electrical connector on one side of the junction box and 10 wires going toward the front of the vehicle. I am planning to purchase a pop-up camper trailer that has a 7-pole plug. The trailer does *not* have electric brakes. The trailer *does* have a battery. Is there a product that I can use to change the 4-pole to a 7-pole connector? Would I need anything additional to be able to charge the trailer battery during towing?


Expert Reply:

You can convert your Escape's 4-pole trailer wiring to a 7-way that includes a 12V power feed to help maintain your trailer-mounted battery. You will need part # 37185.

This item simply plugs in to your existing 4-pole. All you'll need then do is connect the ground wire and run 10-gauge wire # 10-1-1 from the battery + post through a circuit breaker # PK54540 and back to the 7-way where it will connect to the black wire on # 37185.

A wiring kit like # HM51020 includes the ring terminals and crimping tool you'll need or you can select these individual items from the linked page if you prefer.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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