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Anti-Rattle Lock for Use with Cargo Basket on Ford F-350  


Wil this or any of the anti rattle devices fit the receiver of a f350? The anti rattle/stabilizer that came with my cargo basket does not fit because the f350 receivers have an flair around the outside that must make them wider than normal


Expert Reply:

Some hitches do have a collar around their receiver tube opening to provide reinforcement. In such cases a longer hitch lock is needed. Part # SHP2040-XL is a 5/8-inch diameter hitch pin that will fit a 2-1/2-inch hitch and provide both anti-rattle and locking functions. Another option is part # SHP2082 which fits all hitch sizes, including 2- and 2-1/2-inch. These devices work with accessories that have a hollow shank.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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