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Availability of 4 Bike Rack For Use on Rear of 5th Wheel  


I have a 2010 Crossroads Cruiser 32foot fifth wheel trailer with a custom made 2inch welded hitch receiver on the back. In an earlier response, you mentioned that the Swagman XTC4 was not to be used on the back of a travel trailer. Is this due to the bike rack design and the harsh ride at the back of a camper, or is it the limitations of a bumper mounted rack? Does it make a difference that a fifth wheel and may ride a little smoother? Bottom line, Im looking for a 4 bike platform style rack for the camper.


Expert Reply:

The designs of the bike racks themselves is what would limit their use on the rear of a towed trailer. A hitch accessory installed in a receiver on the rear of a towed trailer will be subjected to much more rattling and bouncing than it would had it been installed on a passenger vehicle or truck. This is caused by the suspension and the longer rear overhang typically found on trailers.

Any limitations involving the use of a bike rack like the Swagman # S64665 XTC-4 on a trailer come directly from the bike rack manufacturer, I cannot recommend anything that would contradict the rack manufacturers recommendations.

I've linked you to the 4 bike capacity racks we offer that are compatible with use on an RV. For a hanging-style bike rack, I'd recommend the Swagman XP, part # S64940.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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