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4-Way Trailer Wiring Recommendation for a Utility Trailer  


Hello, I have a question. I have a 6 ft x 12 ft utility trailer that I haul my quads or lawn mowers on. Its about 15 yrs old and I would like to replace all the wiring. I already purchased some 16ga wore and Im wondering what connector I need to buy that I would wire into. The trailer currently has a 5wire flat connector on it now but Im only used to seeing the 4 wire flat connector? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Expert Reply:

A 5-way is usually seen on trailers that have either reverse lights or a reverse lockout for a surge brake system. If you have no need for a 5-way you could use a 4-way like the part # W787268.

If you did want to install a 5-way you would want the part # A40W5B. A 4-way connector on a tow vehicle would still plug into a 5-way on a trailer. The fifth circuit just wouldn't be active.

To make the install simpler and cleaner a junction box like part # 38656 would be a great option. Check out the install video I attached as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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